
Had a very busy week this week. We had trainer follow up on Tuesday, and we had a mission wide talent show on Friday. Both of which ended at 4 in Vista so we had to drive in traffic for like 2 hours to get home both times, it was pretty awful! But the talent show was way fun!! I got to meet a lot of people and see a lot of random talents, one Elder got really good at saying words backwards so we would give him words and phrases and he would tell us them backwards, super random, but cool. I got to accompany two singers which was a lot of fun!! I also had to accompany someone on Thursday night so I got to play the piano a lot this week which is awesome since I don't get to play nearly as much as I used too. And I missed it way more than I thought I would. 

Completed Christmas Countdown

We did a lot of service for the neighbors of one of the members in our ward (the Phippens), we helped them move, and Sister Phippen sent a whole bunch of pics I'm pretty sure so that was cool. 

Me and Elder Snyder are in the ward choir so we got to perform in the program on Christmas Eve and that was soo much fun! 

Christmas was a lot of fun too! unlike most of the missionaries in the mission, me and Elder Snyder actually waited til Christmas morning to open up our Christmas packages, and it made Christmas so much more magical, thanks mom and pops for what you got me I really appreciated everything!!! 

Called home from the Bradshaw's
Christmas at the Bradshaw's

Ya so love you all and miss you everyday but I stay out here I think, haha !

Elder Shields

Trainer Follow Up Meeting
