
Hi everyone!! 


 Awesome week out here in Escondido yet again! Just so you know it was not me who got stitched it was Elder DeMille. We were doing service for a less active member of our ward breaking down pallets, and Elder DeMille was pulling a nail out of the board with a crowbar. The crowbar slipped off the nail and hit him right in the chin! So we took a trip to the doctor to get him stitched up. 

 President interviews were this week! Had a fun time there. They were on my birthday so President and Sister Thomas sang for me after I was out of the interview! It was so funny 

 None of the people we were teaching were progressing so we just kinda stopped teaching all of them and decided to start fresh! It is a bummer but none of the people we were working with were willing to make commitments. We found a new person (on my birthday) named Erick. He is in High School right now and just loved the Restoration and the Book of Mormon! 

 Love you all and have a nice week! 

 Elder Shields 

Elder DeMille Stitches
Interview Pics
