Sunset on the Coast...

This week was another great week! We had some good lessons with the Yabuts and Rashida. They are now both done with the lessons and just need the interview and they will be ready. Both their interviews are next week! 

 Brian Seol had his baptismal interview this week and he passed with flying colors. Elder Meyer said he was just so happy during the whole interview! Tammy's will be next week. They had to he on different says because of Brian and Tammy being out of town and different times. 

 Warren came to church again this week which was awesome! 

 Had some super fun exchanges this week, one with Elder Meyer and the other with Elder Hadfield, who is one of the traveling trainers. 

 We did have Luisa one of our investigators cuss us out over text. We still have no idea why. We had a lesson with her and we invited her to church and she was all excited to go, and then the day before church she texted us just swearing a ton and told us never to come back. Shook us up a little to be honest, but stuff like that happens. It is hard to see people reject us tho even after they have felt something. 

 Well I love you guys hope you have an awesome week! 

 Elder Shields 

Sunset on the coast


