Temple Trip...

Hello family! 

This week was super awesome we were able to go to the temple and go to through an endowment session. I freaking love the temple and every time we get to go is precious. Really learn to appreciate it out here. 

Had a super solid exchange with my DL Elder Lundquist. It wasn't very solid for him. So we were just done tracting an area and he said he knew of a good place for us to go ride out bikes, it was this little dirt patch of to the side of of the road with jumps. So we started riding around it and not five minutes later Lundquist wrecks his bike super bad and jams his wrist. So he spent the rest of the day in a lot of pain, but it was kinda funny to watch him crash haha. 

We started teaching the Yabut twins this week. Their names are Leland and Natalie. They are doing super well and will probably get baptized on May 12th. 

Tammy and Brian are doing awesome. They had a chance to go to a child of record baptism on Saturday and they really enjoyed it! They have a son (Carson) who just turned 8 and he went to and he really liked it as well! Brian seems like he is really interested in getting baptized, but we aren't sure about Tammy, we have a lesson with them this Tuesday and we hope to get them on date again! 

While on exchanges Elder Phillips and Meyer picked up two more investigators named Victor and Ricky. Don't know them but they seem cool. 

 Love you guys! 

 Elder Shields 

Exchange with Lundquist

The Bench pt II (with Phillips)

Pre Temple

Post Temple
