First Area Temecula...

This week wasn't too crazy. Me and Elder Mann have spent most of our time contacting potential investigators and street contacting. We have run into a few people who definitely seemed interested but so far we don't have any new investigators. We taught Bridget on Tuesday, and it was awesome! She is definitely progressing so much and learning a lot about the gospel. We were able to address all of her concerns and she seems to take everything new that we bring up really well! Sadly she didn't come to church because of a family emergency. But we will be teaching her again tomorrow night and we are hoping to commit her to baptism!! I am pretty nervous for it but I know that she is ready to at least make the commitment. I'll let you know how it goes. We also taught Carol again, but we really aren't making any progress with her, but we'll continue to try.

We also did splits with the zone leaders this week. I went and worked with Elder Eddins for the day in his area in Butterfield Stage, while Elder Phillips went and worked with Elder Mann in our area. It was a super good experience for me! Elder Eddins loves being on a mission, he says there is nothing he'd rather be doing right now and he doesn't think he ever wants to go home. I want to be that kind of a missionary, I'm not quite there yet though. I learned a lot and I was able to get a lot of my concerns resolved. Elder Eddins lived in Dubois, Idaho which had a population of about 400, so I got to hear a little bit about how life was so different for him. Apparently a really popular date activity was to go out and shoot rabbits. Funny to see how different places are.

I also got to have dinner with the bishop and his family. He is such a cool guy! His name is Brent Lowe. And his family is way big into water sports and they have a ping pong table and apparently he is way good at ping pong. We are having lunch with him on Friday and he said that I could play him then.

Had a pretty cool experience. When me and Elder Mann were doing 12 weeks (program we have to do because he's training me) we were practicing teaching the Restoration, and we got to the point where we read the words Joseph Smith uses when he sees Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, "I saw a pillar of light...", as I was reading the words the Spirit in the room was so strong! I almost couldn't even finish talking because I was about to cry! And after I finished Elder Mann had to wait a bit to start talking again because he felt it too! It was just a strong testimony builder, I can't deny that this is the true church on the Earth, and I need to be sharing it with everyone I can. I love and miss you guys so much still, and it is hard for me to be away from you, but I am beginning to realize how important it is for me to be out here.

Elder Shields

Here are some pics of the New Missionary Training Meeting:
