I Love Oceanside...

This week was pretty awesome! 

To start it out I got to go on exchanges with Elder Meyer (who was my MTC comp). His comp is the DL. We served in their area which is right on the beach so we got to proselyte right on the beach for the first couple hours it was awesome! Way fun to catch up with him and see what we have learned and how we've grown since the MTC. 

Also so had some way solid lessons with Tammy and Brian, as well as with Don and Kathy. We put all four of them on date for baptism! Tammy and Brian are on the 17th and Don and Kathy are one the 31st of this month. Super excited for them and the part I got to play. We still have a lot of work to do with both of them, but I know they will be ready by then! Also all four of them came to church. 

Our other investigators are Mike and Warren, we are working on trying to get them to church. We weren't able to meet with Amber but we will see her this week. 

For Pday today we went to a driving range and hit some golf balls with the district. It was so much fun even tho I was terrible, haha.  I'm gonna need a lot of work. Love you guys. And I want you to know that I am having the time of my life out here. It is an amazing work and I love where I'm serving and who I serve around so much! 


Elder Shields


Me and Meyer
