Lost, but now found...

Hey family what it up!?!? It was a really good week this week. We picked up a few solid new investigators! The ones who show the most promise would probably be Amber and Mike. Amber used to meet with the missionaries like 2 years ago but the missionaries just stopped going over for whatever reason and then her record got lost. When we went by she even asked why we had stopped coming and we didn't know haha well she is really open and we are excited to teach her! Mike is a older single guy. He is really big on the fact that we all have agency and can choose good from evil. He is a little agnostic tho so we will have to work with him on priesthood and one true church. 

We also had lessons this week with Tammy and Bryan this week. It was super solid, we taught on families and temple ordinances. They are so ready to be baptized but they just don't feel they have an answer yet we will get them this week too! Also taught Kathy and Don Dalphin this week. They are so open to the gospel and are willing to learn. Don may have cancer and was stressing out about it over the past week. When we met with him this he said that over the week he has began to feel way more peace in his life and he also is more aware and trying to be a better person. The Gospel really does change people for the better! 

Got to go on an exchange with Elder Halstead who was in my MTC district. Elder Moroni and Elder Watrin (Halstead's comp) were comps before and had to go to a meeting. So me and Halstead covered one of their lessons that they had planned. It was way fun to see him! 

Did some service for two less actives on Saturday helping them move and doing yard work. Really busy out here in Oceanside a lot of work to do I love it! 

 Love you all 

 Elder Shields 

Me and Halstead

Lunch at the Bobier Building

The Biggest Reeses Cereal Thing Ever!
