Small and Simple Things...

Hey everyone!! 

So this week was great!! first week of the transfer so we had a zone welcoming meeting where we introduce the focus for the zone this transfer. Me and Elder Medina decided to have the topic be do the little things right. The doctrine we used to support it was Alma 37:6-7, "by small and simple things are great things brought to pass". When we do the little things right every day through our obedience's it will make a powerful difference for good in the future, same if we make little disobedience's each day it will be a powerful diffrerece for evil. 

Chris came to church for the first time on Sunday!! That was awesome! and at church we had this choir from Maple Mountain Choir in Utah perform for us because they were on a field trip there. They did super good! one of the songs was in Russian so that was weird though haha. 

Love you all so much 

Elder Shields!



