Zone Conference with Elder Bangerter...

This week was pretty awesome! 

 The highlight was definitely the zone conference we had this week. We had a visiting authority here, Elder Bangerter. The instruction we recieved was focused on a few different things, how our desires effect our choices and actions and therefore our exaltation, our ability to access God's power (and that everyone has that ability), and developing faith. I will share a quote he shared that particularly influenced me, "Our (all missionaries) setting apart entitles us to know that God, by His Spirit goes up the pathway and through the door and into the hearts and minds of the people we meet before we ever step foot on their property." This strengthened my faith that God is preparing people, He has His hand in the work, I have seen it in action. 

 Elder Bangerter also had a few people selected that he could speak with one on one after zone conference. I was one who had the privilege of doing this. He asked me a few questions about the conference and then I was able to ask him questions. I received some valuable instruction on studying the scriptures and in some of the doctrines in them. It was such an amazing experience! He is truly a man called of God. 

 We have been doing a lot more finding this week. We had a few more people that we had to stop teaching because they weren't willing to progress. We have some prospects for new people to teach though. Two part member families that we have spoke with that we will hopefully be teaching soon!

 Not much else, love you all so much! 

Elder Shields

Zone conference

Best Shaved Ice Ever!
