Baptism Date and Driving Range


 This week was a pretty good week! It started out really well. We had a lesson with the Seols and they have decided to get baptized!! The date will be June 23rd. We have been working with them for a while now and the fact that they have decided to make the commitment to be baptized is such a miracle for me and Elder Phillips. 

 We picked up some really cool investigators this week. The one we are the most excited about is named Omega. He was a former investigator who just called out to us out of nowhere and told us to come talk to him. He told us that he used to investigate and isn't done with his journey, so we will start teachi g yin again! The others are Steve and Eric. Eric isn't too solid, we are pretty sure he was high when we contacted him but he is pretty open. Steve has some good potential. I don't know if I've already mentioned him because we've been trying to pick him up for a while now, but he finally let us in! He's a super awesome guy but he does have some WoW issues that will need resolving. 

 The Yabuts have been really spotty lately, just haven't been responsive. We will keep trying tho. 

 One of our investigators Warren came to church for the first time this week! It was stake conference and he said he really enjoyed it! He did try to take us out to Subway after church and unfortunately we had to say no. Haha. 

 Not much else to report on, everyone is doing great! Love you all so much thanks for the support you give me. I want you all to know that I love my Savior, Jesus Christ, and sharing His Gospel to the people in Oceanside is the greatest blessing I could ever ask for!! I love this work! 

 Elder Shields 
 1. Me channeling my inner white girl
 2. A pretty sick BMW 
 3. Vid of me droppin bombs at the driving range on Pday 
